All posts by Jessica

Swimming in a Canyon? Check!

We drove into the Monument Valley area but man we were so whipped and little bit sick of each other that we couldn’t get it together to go on another excursion. But I assure you the scenery was amazing!

And the campsite we had at Goulding’s was unreal!

We also stopped in at Natural Bridges for a few beautiful views as well!

But the highlight of this post is where we went next! Keep in mind that it’s hot. And I don’t mean like “Oh it’s 80 degrees and it’s hot.” I mean like “It’s 100 degrees in Utah for days on end and this must be what the surface of the sun feels like.” hot.

So when we arrived to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and realized we could jump into Lake Powell, we were all a little bit too excited!

The water was perfection. We floated and swam and cooled down and rinsed off all the grime. Plus we had the spot all to ourselves!

And then Harry did like Harry does and hurled himself off the rock into the canyon water.

This experience will be one that will stick in our minds at the end for sure!

Underwater No More!

Today was one of those unexpected awesome days! As you can tell, we are mostly doing park highlights since we are trying to fit so much into this trip. We just haven’t scheduled a lot of time in each park so we have to pick a few small things to do at each one.

Today we took our RV into Capital Reef National Park!

Could the sky be any more amazing in Utah?

We set off on what has been one of the most unique hikes to date. Each of these parks looks completely different from the one before! We walked down into a canyon and the walls still look reef like millions of years later!

Felicity chased lizards and Harry and Benj explored nooks and crannies along the way.

Of course, what adventure would be complete without some kind of video!

We ended the afternoon visiting the Mormon settlement areas. We picked up some fresh baked sourdough and some adorable pies from the Gifford Homestead. Plus…

That’s right! Apple picking in Utah! These Ginger Gold were the perfect blend of sweet and tart! Two thumbs up from the whole gang! An epic day for sure!

The RV Experience

OMG, we FINALLY watched the movie RV with Robin Williams. The kids had watched it with Mimi and Papa but Benj and I had not seen it. So flipping funny! And a completely stacked cast! We LOVED it!

As the days pass I collect some fun photos of just the random stuff that happens in and around the RV.

For example, some days we don’t see a grocery store for days and we’re forced to buy something extra crappy from the campground store for dinner.

Other days we treat ourselves to dinner out and some people order rattlesnake cakes for dinner!

Sometimes you stay at Wonderland RV Park and the neighbors’ dog just wants to eat you up…

and the horses visit your site!

Still other days, you sort through all the laundry quarters to find the ones for your national park collection!

But most importantly, sometimes the shitter is indeed full!

An Oasis in the Desert

So there we are just minding our own business as we drive through Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument.

We have no signal and there’s just nothing going on. And like a mirage we see the sign above: Kiva Koffeehouse!

Well, you bet your ass we took that RV on two wheels into the parking lot to see the most beautiful view ever!

We found Benj’s new happy place (coffee, food, and internet!) affectionately dubbed Waverider’s West.

And, of course, I couldn’t help giving you a live update!