The Dirty Dozen

It’s happening.  I have it in writing, via Royal Mail, par avion.  All twelve of us will be walking next June.  And what’s more?  It’s “one of the world’s favourite [sic] walks!”

Now that we’re confirmed, I hope other walkers will begin introducing themselves here!  Perhaps I can nudge my adventuresome mother, whose handwriting incidentally it appears they’ve forged on the envelope, to take a swing at blogging?

3 thoughts on “The Dirty Dozen”

  1. Clink clink click click –“pebbles rattled in a dry gourd”–robinson jeffers
    Happy to join you. My name is Lea. Friend to ealish and seth. Mother to three grown sons. Artist. Feisty wife to carl. Already breaking in my two new pairs of boots and my legs. Xoxo

  2. Intro Charles:
    Hello all – I’m really looking forward to ‘the crossing’. This Pebble is Ealish’s Dad persuaded in by Seth. I’m old 71 by the time we cross. I don’t expect to be a liability however – best to ask Seth about that. Based in the Isle of Man (all of that is in Google maps Benj) and will join our happy band in UK. Benj worry not about your journey into more ancient brackets, some of the Pebbles can lend technical advice, counselling and consultancy.

    To Kit:
    Boots – our Family recommendation – Berghaus
    Pleased we got down to the really important stuff – underclothes NB pants! You are very lucky in the USA to have REI. That’s a great recommendation – REI + Vaseline hub packs will get you thru!
    Walking poles if you use them -Lexi -used them for years. They are more expensive than most but will not collapse on you.
    Sponsorship – I agree that the crossing presents an ideal oppo. I’ll be ‘persuading’ my ex army mates for a Brit Veterans’ charity
    Looking forward to meeting you all. We are passing close to some of Britain’s great breweries, presenting endless possibilities.

  3. Hi, all. Congratulations to Charles for being the second oldest member of the dirty dozen. I will have to catch up about the second pair of hiking boots, but, I am still closer to the equipment goals than the training goals, being so far unable to leap tall buildings in a single bound. So, I plan to begin training for this adventure forthwith.


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