More from Zealand Falls

My signal seems good enough here at Lakes Hut to afford some more photo uploading. While Lakes is the most beautiful hut locale, such that my photos could never do it justice, Zealand was by far the most fun. Here’s another 2-day-old dose of fun. Starting with yet another waterfall picture. Do these ever get old? (Yes.)

This is symbolic of how Maurice is about to take the plunge with Emily.


This is the aftermath of the cold plunge shot I posted a couple days back.


I wasted no time getting out.


Believe it or not, I maintained an impressive level of personal hygiene on this trip. I washed my hair and my laundry in the falls.


Josh built a cairn in the falls.


And then stationed army men there.


Another of Josh’s masterpieces, this one from his minimalist period.


Lounging by the falls with Judy, Josh, Greg, and our designated boy scout liaison.


There are never too many waterfall pictures. This one has a flower.


2 thoughts on “More from Zealand Falls”

  1. Josh is very proud of his creation…thanks for exposing it! Stay safe! Thanks for including us in your blog!

  2. Thanks for including a picture of the liaison. He had fun chatting with you and is really happy he made it into your blog.

    The waterfalls are beautiful, and I really enjoy your photographs.

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